Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter Egg Fun!

Each year I feel challenged to "one-up" myself from the year before in egg-decorating creativity...I feel like I'm nearly maxed out at this point, but I shall press are some examples of the years past, I always end up using the Paas dying kit or something similar for my coloring, but love to get creative with the decorating! 

This particular year I used Painter's Tape(or "Frog Tape") and an Exacto knife to cut out the shapes I wanted and placed them on the hard-boiled egg once they cooled-the paint does not stick as well after boiling and storing in the refrigerator, they tend to sweat!

This year I helped my Grandmother with her eggs, we have a VERY large family and she makes an egg for every.single. person. We're talking her children, their spouses, grandchildren and their spouses(or semi-serious boyfriend/girlfriend), great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren! That's a lot of names, so I decided to take a shortcut and buy some scrapbooking letter stickers instead-I must say, I was very pleased with the results! I would recommend scrapbook stickers over any other type of sticker or tape, they did not allow for any bleeding at all!

Last year, I had a creativity I focused on pretty solids and took some creative pictures instead! ;)

These eggs are some of my favorites, no dyeing required, just a good ol' Sharpie Color Marker and let your creative mind go wild! I had a blast decorating these, and if it weren't for our two little girls wanting to dye eggs, I would just do this every year!

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